Below are noteworthy events from Busch Gardens Tampa’s history that occurred in the month of February.

Specific Dates:

  • 1st – (1983) Annual pass price increases from $35 to $40. (Ledger 1/21/1983)
  • 1st – (2015) Gwazi gives its final rides and closes permanently at the end of the day.
  • 2nd – (2010) Busch Gardens joins Twitter as @MyBuschGardens, and tweets for both Williamsburg and Tampa parks. (Twitter 2/2/2010 & 2/6/2010)
  • 2nd – (2012) Iceploration opens to guests at the Moroccan Palace Theater.
  • 5th & 6th – (2012) Two emu chicks are hatched, the first births at the new Animal Care Center.
  • 5th – (2013) Kiazi, an aardvark, is born at the park.
  • 5th – (2014) Hard Hat Tour is held for media showing progress on Falcon’s Fury and Pantopia.
  • 6th – (2015) Kamari, a female gorilla, is born at the park.
  • 8th – (2022) Park closes early at noon due to inclement weather. (Twitter 2/8/2022)
  • 12th – 17th – (1962) A new attendance record was set for the week, with 60,701 guests visiting the park, bringing the 1962 total to 171,198. (Tampa Tribune 2/20/1962)
  • 12th – (2002) Pele, a female gorilla, is born at Gladys Porter Zoo. She is moved to Busch Gardens’ Myombe Reserve in 2010.
  • 13th – (1962) A new daily attendance record was set, with 18,081 guests visiting the park. (Tampa Tribune 2/20/1962)
  • 13th – (2010) Two female gorillas, mother & daughter pair Mary & Pele, arrive at the park from Gladys Porter Zoo.
  • 15th – (2013) A male Southern Ground Hornbill hatched at Jambo Junction.
  • 16th – (2014) Critter Castaways has its final performance, which is also the final show at Bird Gardens Theater.
  • 17th – (2013) A male Northern Greater Galago, a type of bushbaby, named TJ is born to mother Olivia and father Tanner.
  • 19th – (2011) Kasi, a male cheetah, is born at the Jacksonville Zoo. He is later moved to Busch Gardens and eventually placed on exhibit at Cheetah Run.
  • 19th – (2013) A male Southern Ground Hornbill hatched at Jambo Junction.
  • 19th – (2017) Kareebu Jungala ends regular performances.
  • 20th – (2013) Kembe, a male lion, is born at a private zoological facility in South Africa. He is moved to Busch Gardens a few months later.
  • 21st – (2014) Exclusive limited edition pass member pin for 2014 is released. Cost is $8.95 with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund. (Twitter 2/19/2014 1 & 2)
  • 26th – (2014) Press conference held at park to announced new Tampa Bay CityPASS, which beginning on May 20, 2014 allowed guests admission to Busch Gardens and several other area attractions for a discounted price. (Busch Gardens 2/26/2014 & Twitter 2/26/2014)
  • 27th – (2014) Park offers free Adventure Island Fun Card with purchase of Busch Gardens Fun Card. Price is $92 for adults & $87 for children age 3 to 9. Offer was available through March 31, 2014. (Press Release)

During the Month:

  • 1962 – Park hours reported as 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, closed Sundays and major holidays. Admission was free. (Orlando Sentinel 2/4/1962)
  • 1974 – Admission listed at $4.25 for adults, $3 for children age 5 to 11, and free for children under 5. Parking is free. (Ledger 2/1/1974)
  • 1976 – Admission listed as $5.25 for adults and $4.25 for children. Projecting more than 2 million visitors for the year. (Evening Independent 2/3/1976)
  • 1979 – Early in the month, the park announces Timbuktu expansion and addition of Adventure Island water park.
  • 1979 – Admission listed at $7.80. Annual attendance estimated at 2.5 million guests. W. Randolph Baker listed as vice president of Busch Gardens. (Ledger 2/9/1979)
  • 1981 – Admission listed as $10.10 per person, with children under 3 free. Parking is $1. Regular hours of 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Annual passes available for $30. (Ledger 2/13/1981)
  • 1982 – Annual pass price listed at $35. (Ledger 12/25/1981)
  • 1984 – Early in the month, the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales visit the park and are on display daily in a tent in the Moroccan Village. (Ledger 2/3/1984)
  • 1985 – By the middle of the month, admission listed at $14.50 per person, with children 2 and under free. Parking is $2 per vehicle. Daily hours of 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Ledger 2/15/1985)
  • 2017 – Park announced the recent receipt of a Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Sustainable Partner Award for the park’s focus on focus on conservation, waste reductions, beautification, and green initiatives. (Busch Gardens 2/10/2017)